Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Seven Pounds in the Bucket List

Due to my decision to positively, absolutely wallow in despair I'm actually feeling much better today. Following on the heels of taking my recently widowed mother to a viewing of the new Will Smith comedy Seven Pounds I rented The Bucket List, lay down on the couch and sobbed my eyes out.

I cry at stupid things. I cry at things that are designed to make me cry. Terms of Endearment? Sob-a-rama every time. So even though The Bucket List was manipulative in the extreme (although, in my defense, what sort of hard-hearted bastard wouldn't tear up at the demise of Morgan Freeman?) it was still a great relief to let it out. And my friends have galloped to the rescue in their horseless fashion, many of them sending sweet emails or calls since they knew I was blue. Happy holidays everyone!


  1. Sorry to hear you're glum. (Sending positive vibes south.)

    I had an admired friend resent /Slumdog Millionaire/ for the same reason - that it "was manipulative in the extreme." Isn't that all movies? It's weird to try and think of an un-manipulative movie... even journalism has an angle.

    My head is spinning.

  2. I'm still trying to shake the holiday blues.
    Every year at this time (the week after Christmas) I try to make plans and notes for how NOT to feel this way again. Last year I thought I'd go to Jamaica for a week before, flying home gloriously rested and tanned on the 25th. That didn't happen, hence the present interest in heading west to meditate on cacti.
